Bringing your idea to market

From conceptualizing to actualizing

Breathing life into your idea. From paper to digital, prototyping is the experimental process of translating ideas into tangible forms. Prototypes are built to varying degrees of fidelity to capture design concepts and test on users.

It’s an essential part of UX/UI design and usually comes after ideation. In order to solve a user’s needs, an experimental model of the product is created to check how well it matches your user’s requirements through the feedback they provide.


Prototyping includes

  • Enhance product quality_1920x1080
  • Evaluate technical feasibility_1920x1080
  • Effectively present ideas to customers_1920x1080
  • Reduce product risks_1920x1080
  • Simulate the Future Product_1920x1080
  • Provide Focused Feedback_1920x1080
  • Planning_1920x1080

Prototyping FAQ’s

1Q1: What is prototyping?

Prototypes are preliminary models from which later iterations are developed. In essence, it's a way to communicate design intent. A prototype in UX design shows developers, stakeholders, and other team members how the final product will interact with users.

2Q2: Why is prototyping important?

Great products can’t be designed without a form of prototyping, and testing. By prototyping, you have the opportunity to test before you build, ensuring maximum efficiency throughout the entire building process.

3Q3: What is fidelity?

It refers to the degree of precision with which a prototype matches the final product. A prototype's fidelity can be measured by how functional, visual, or content it is. To determine the best solution, fidelity testing should be conducted to ensure a well-rounded product outcome.

4Q4: How are prototypes made?

There are two types of prototypes: analog - on paper - and digital - on computer. So the manner in which your prototype will be made is dependent on the product type. We generally schedule a meeting with you to run you through a needs analysis so that our team aligns with your expectations.